Only 11% of parents said they discussed the risks of driving under the influence with their teenagers

Young people continue to be the largest group of drivers who die in crashes and later test positive for alcohol or drugs. Canadian parents concerned about the legalization of cannabis agree that not enough information available to youth about cannabis use risks.

DrugFreeKidsCanada has created a Cannabis Talk Kit to get the conversation started. They have also partnered with CAA to create The Call That Comes After campaign, an interactive simulation to illustrate that punch to the face parents get when the police call them to inform them their son or daughter has been in a car crash.

Provinces are implementing additional driving impaired rules for novice drivers (those with a G1, G2, M1, or M2 licence). In Ontario, a first offence results in a 3-day licence suspension and a $250 fine on top of the fines and potential imprisonment specified under B-C46.

Use the information provided by RCU to get the conversation started with your loved ones. 


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