Introducing Stori, the best storage for cannabis flower and edibles!

Stori is a smart cannabis storage product. Our mission is to fight cannabis stigma with beauty, function and responsibility. We believe that you should store your cannabis like you do your wine, with respect and in style.

Cannabis education: the home chef edition!
With Canada’s legalization of cannabis in October 2018, and the legalization of edibles just one year later, Canadian foodies are ready to ‘add pot to their pots’ and start cooking with cannabis! If you’re looking to expand your cannabis education to the kitchen, RCU is here to outline the basics of cooking with cannabis.
RCU - Responsible Cannabis Use partners with CarriersEdge to promote cannabis education in the workplace
RCU - Responsible Cannabis Use is proud to partner with CarriersEdge to equip truck drivers with a cannabis e-learning course. CannEd, developed by RCU, prioritizes safety and responsibility by promoting cannabis education.
Canada’s Cannabis safety and storage guide
Since the legalization of recreational cannabis in Canada, it is quite likely that you have questions around how to stash your stash. Education and awareness are vitally important. Canada's legalization of cannabis usage is restricted to adults, so protecting children and youth - and not exposing them to it - is a serious adult responsibility.
Is there a right way and wrong way to store cannabis?
How do you store your cannabis? In the packaging that you purchased it? In your fridge? In a box dedicated to all of your cannabis needs? It’s important to consider that how you store your cannabis will affect the quality of the product, its freshness and the safety of children and pets.
Canadians weigh in on the legal and illicit cannabis markets
In January 2020, RCU - Responsible Cannabis Use facilitated a Canada-wide survey that asked Canadians about the legal and illegal market. An overwhelming number of people expressed that they will continue to purchase from the illegal market. The reasons for...
Legal vs. illegal: inside Canada’s cannabis marketplace
In August 2019 – almost a year after the legalization of cannabis in Canada – Statistics Canada revealed that 42.7% of cannabis smokers still purchase their products from unauthorized sources. This statistic indicates that the legal status of cannabis in...
Is there really a difference between legal and illicit cannabis?

According to multiple Canada-wide surveys we conducted in 2019, a number of Canadians still prefer to purchase cannabis from the illicit cannabis market and we want to know why!

Share your opinion and test your knowledge of Canada’s cannabis laws.

Cannabis education in the workplace is essential
RCU (Responsible Cannabis Use) facilitated seven surveys during 2019, to better understand Canadian’s knowledge when it comes to regional cannabis laws, knowledge of cannabis products, roadside limits and employer and employee rights regarding cannabis at work. More than 50,000  Canadians...
Cannabis Canada – what you need to know when travelling by road, rail, or air
It's time to start thinking about taking a winter vacation – whether by road, rail, or air. If you are thinking of adding cannabis to your packing list, then there are a few ins and outs, and dos and don'ts that you need to be informed of around Canada’s cannabis travel laws.
2019 has been a busy year for RCU and the Canadian cannabis industry
2019 has been a busy year for the team at RCU - Responsible Cannabis Use and the Canadian cannabis industry. Our team continues to grow, including the addition of our advisors. We are busy preparing for 2020, but in the meantime, let’s take a look back at what we’ve been up to this year.
The Ontario lottery system will end and the open retail market will begin in January 2020
As of January 6, 2020, the provincial government will be removing the lottery system for cannabis retailers in an effort to increase access to legal cannabis for more residents across the province. Results from our latest campaign showed that Ontarians...
Ontario residents are not happy with how they can purchase legal cannabis
TORONTO, Dec. 12, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As the Ontario government is looking to review the cannabis file, RCU - Responsible Cannabis Use, who is a member of the Ontario Cannabis Policy Council, conducted a survey with Ontario residents to understand...
Do you understand Canada's cannabis possession limits?
Across Canada, one can purchase, or carry, up to 30 grams of dried cannabis. While most people can easily understand this limit, many face a challenge when understanding how to combine multiple cannabis products. For instance, how many grams of...
Cannabis at work: understanding your rights as an employee and employer
Since the legalization of recreational cannabis in October 2018, and the legalization of edibles in October 2019, it’s important that Canadians have a good understanding of cannabis laws. Since July 2019, we have been conducting monthly Canada-wide surveys to better...
Canada’s cannabis laws – how workplaces can protect themselves for upcoming holiday parties
As the year comes to an end, many workplaces will be planning their holiday parties. Employers should know Canada’s Cannabis laws and how they can protect themselves and their employees.
3 reasons cannabis is different from alcohol
On November 6, RCU (Responsible Cannabis Use) attended the Cannabis Cover conference in partnership with Insurance Business Canada Magazine as a media partner. This event brought together leading insurance influencers to discuss key perspectives on new regulations for edibles, extracts...
How cannabis education, like CannEd can benefit your organization
CannEd (developed by RCU) is an online cannabis educational course built for employers and employees to help organizations effectively communicate their workplace cannabis policy and reduce risk through education. While this sort of thing was once mostly relevant to safety-sensitive jobs, it is now part of every employee and employer's life as a citizen in a legalized country.
3 factors that can affect how you react to cannabis
On October 15, RCU attended the Conference Board of Canada’s Cannabis at Work Conference in partnership with the Globe and Mail as a participating sponsor. This conference took place just two days before the legalization of cannabis edibles in Canada.
Cannabis Canada – edibles to hit the stores
Cannabis edibles are hot news in Canada this month. They may be regarded as ‘old school,’ but new amendments under the Cannabis Act came into effect on October 17, 2019 – a year after recreational cannabis was legalized in Canada...
RCU welcomes The Hunny Pot!
We are excited to welcome The Hunny Pot, Toronto's first legal cannabis store to our roster of clients! The Hunny Pot, located at 202 Queen Street West, Toronto is now equipped with CannEd Retail on their website to continue advocating...